

Welcome to Ruhani Dua, your trusted source for spiritual and religious guidance. You have visited the right place. Here, you will get assistance from our expert in solving all your problems related to any life matter, personal, professional, emotional, or financial issues. With years of experience in Islamic studies, our expert, Molana Basheer Ali Khan, is dedicated to providing you with the best assistance through powerful Dua, wazifa, and valuable resources. We understand that, at times, life can present challenges that may seem overwhelming. We are here to help you to overcome these challenges and guide you toward a happy, healthy life. Dont worry if you have relationship issues, work-related problems, need help with spiritual concerns, or any other challenges. We are here to help you out in overcoming all the problems. To contact us and start your journey toward finding the solutions you seek, click the WhatsApp icon below. We aim to respond as soon as possible since we value your time and recognize the urgency of your needs.

Contact Us

Get In Touch

Our Location

Peel Hall St, Preston PR1 6QQ, UK




Work Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 09:00 – 17:00

Our priority is your satisfaction, and we aspire to offer personalized assistance suited to your particular situation. At Ruhani Dua, we believe in the power of spirituality to bring about positive changes in your life.

Through our expertise in Islamic studies and the practical application of Dua and wazifa, we aim to help you overcome obstacles, find peace, and discover the path toward divine blessings. 

Feel free to contact us, as you will be here to get help and solutions for all your problems.

Take the first step towards a better future and a closer relationship with your faith today. Click the WhatsApp icon now and initiate a conversation with us.

What’s App – +91-66488802

We are happy to help you on your spiritual path.

May Allah bless you abundantly and grant you the strength to overcome all challenges.

With warm regards,

Molana Basheer Ali Khan and the Ruhani Dua team