Powerful Wazifa To Make Husband Crazy in Love with You (Highly Proven) 2024


Suddenly, are you feeling a lack of love between you and your Husband? Don’t worry, Wazifa To Make Husband Crazy in Love with You will help to make your Husband crazy in love with you.

The Wazifa is not about manipulation or control; instead, it is a Halal Dua rooted in love and connection.

It is a means for wives to seek Allah’s blessings in strengthening their marriage and creating a loving atmosphere within the home.

If you are facing daily arguments with your Husband for no reason and your marriage is in trouble, use this dua for Husband love to fill his heart with immense love towards you.

Note: Our big Molana is strictly against black magic or any other haram (Sinful activity in Islam). All the Dua’s and Wazifa provided here are halal (within Islamic principles) and taken from authentic sources.

We recommend reading the whole article carefully to get excellent benefits.

The Messenger of Allah said: “There is nothing like marriage for two who love one another.” 

Sunan Ibn Majah 1847

Importance of Wazifa for Husband Love: A Halal Remedy for Strengthening Marital Bonds

This Wazifa holds significant importance for many women seeking to enrich and strengthen their marital bonds.

The primary goal of the Wazifa to make a husband crazy in love is to create love in the Husband’s heart for their wife and enhance the emotional connection between spouses.

It includes verses from the Quran and the repetition of phrases to seek blessings and guidance.

Marriage is a sacred bond that requires continuous effort and commitment from both partners.

Every marriage faces its share of challenges, sometimes from the husband’s or wife’s side.

To overcome these challenges and fill your bond with love, perform the given Wazifa with sincerity and intention.

“The most complete of the believers in faith, is the one with the best of character. And the best of you are those who are best to their women.”

(Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1162)

Wazifa To Make Husband Crazy in Love with You:

Follow all the steps of the Wazifa To Make Your Husband Crazy in your love:

  • On Friday, Read Durood-e-Ibrahimi 11 times.
  • Then, recite verse 83 of Surah Yaseen on sweet eatables and give it to him to eat.
  • Again, read Durood-e-Ibrahimi 11 times.
  • Finally, ask Allah(SWT) to make your Husband crazy for you.

You have to perform this Wazifa for 11 Fridays, and Inshallah, you will see positive changes in your Husband.

Wazifa To Make Husband Crazy in Love with You
Here is a powerful method to Perform Wazifa To Make Husband Crazy in Love with You to seek Allah’s blessings for husband love.

The essence of this Wazifa To Make Husband Mad In Love With His Wife lies in invoking blessings of Allah(SWT) and positive energy into the marital relationship.

Wazifa for husband love

Follow these five simple steps to get your Husband love:-

  • First, take a fresh shower.
  • Perform 2 rakats after isha salah.
  • Read Surah Duha (chapter 93) 10 times.
  • Then recite this dua ALLAAHUMMA AH’ABBANEE ILAA QALBI 25 times.
  • Lastly, ask Allah(SWT) to put love in your Husband’s heart.

Follow this Wazifa with Dua to increase love in Husband’s heart for 41 days regularly, and we promise you will get all the love you deserve from your Husband.

For wives seeking to deepen their marital bonds, the Wazifa for Husband’s love emerges as a profound and halal (permissible in Islam) remedy.

If you have any questions, you can contact our expert, Molana Ji, on WhatsApp for an immediate solution.

Wazifa for husband love
Here is powerful Wazifa for husband love to create a strong affection in your husband’s heart towards you.

Wazifa To Make Husband Mad In Love With His Wife:

Make a fresh Wudu(Ablution), then Recite AL WADOODU 1000 times. After that, read Surah al Muzzammil 125 times and pray, “O Allah make my Husband love me a lot and deepen our bond with Your divine grace. Ameen.”

All wives should follow this Wazifa for 41 days after every salah to quickly get their Husband’s love.

Wazifa To Make Husband Mad In Love With His Wife
Here is the best Wazifa To Make Husband Mad In Love With His Wife to build strong feelings of love inside your husband for you.

Wazifa To Make My Husband Love Me Again in simple steps:

  • Take seven almonds in the right hand.
  • Now, Give the almonds to him to eat.
  • Lastly, pray to Allah(SWT) to make your Husband love you again.

Perform this Wazifa for 31 days after Fajar salah with complete faith to invoke the blessings of Allah(SWT) in your marriage.

Wazifa To Make My Husband Love Me Again in simple steps
Follow the best Wazifa To Make My Husband Love Me Again in simple steps to seek Allah’s guidance.

Due to some arguments or misunderstandings, if your Husband leaves you, use this powerful Wazifa To Make My Husband Love Me Again to get your Husband back in a few days.

If you have anyone unmarried in your family, you can share this Dua for getting a good husband as a form of good deed.

Note: you can choose any Wazifa for husband love according to your choice, as all the Wazifa given here are equally powerful and effective.

Dua To Make Husband Mad In Love With You

If you want to make your husband mad in love, then recite “Ud’oo Rabbakum tadarru’anw wa khufyah; innahoo laa yuhibbul mu’tadeen” this ayat after the salam of every salah for at least 1000 times. This ayat is from (Surah Al-A’raf).

Dua To Make Husband Mad In Love With You
Here is the best Dua To Make Husband Mad In Love With You for making your husband immensely in love with you.

Method to Perform Dua To Make Husband Mad In Love With You

  • Begin by reciting Surah Al-Fatihah.
  • After that, recite Ayat ul Kursi.
  • Then, recite verse 55 of Surah Al-A’raf 1000 times.
  • Imagine your husband and say, Bismillah.
  • In the end, Pray to Allah(SWT) to make him love you.

Follow this Dua To Make Husband Mad In Love With You for 41 days after every salah to see effective results. Don’t leave this dua in between if you see results.

Method to Perform Dua To Make Husband Mad In Love With You
Follow this Method to Perform Dua To Make Husband Mad In Love With You to get your husband love.

Suddenly, your husband is behaving rudely and disrespectfully to you, so you can also take the help of Dua for Husband Love to get your husband’s love back.

If your love is fading in your marriage, you can recite Dua for love back to get back all the love to revive that spark in your bond.

Surah Ikhlas for husband love

Surah Ikhlas is one the best and most effective surahs for husband love. You can gain Allah’s blessings by including it in your daily prayers.

While reciting Surah Ikhlas, request your husband’s love, and Allah(SWT) will listen to your dua.

You can also read Surah for husband love for getting all the love and affection from your husband.

Things to remember while doing this Wazifa 

Here are some key things to remember while performing the Wazifa to make a husband crazy in love with you:-

  • Sincere Intentions: Start with a genuine and honest desire for love in your marriage.
  • Good deed: share this article to help others as a form of charity, which will count as a good deed.
  • Consistent Practice: Perform the Wazifa regularly at the same time each day for better effectiveness.
  • Patience and Trust: Understand that results may take time; exercise patience and trust in Allah’s wisdom.
  • Keep it secret: Don’t tell anyone about the Wazifa perform it secretly to avoid evil eyes.
  • Professional Guidance: Seek advice from religious scholars like Our Molana Basheer Ji for any questions or doubts. 
  • Women’s precaution: women should not perform this Wazifa during their menstrual periods


The primary objective of the “Wazifa To Make Husband Crazy in Love with You” is to create marital bliss by deepening the connection between Husband and wife.

This article will provide five effective ways to get husband love, including one dua and four Wazifa for husband love.

With the help of these Wazifa, we assure you that you can overcome all the challenges in your marriage.

We are saying this confidently because we have seen many sisters observe unbelievable changes in their husbands.

Be aware of the internet scams. Many people come to us and tell us about how they got scammed in the name of Allah(SWT) for money.

Ruhani Dua is a Halal website created for the betterment of the Muslim community.

All the Dua and Wazifa presented here are entirely Halal and have positive effects when performed sincerely.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to make Husband love you madly in Islam?

If you want to make your husband love you, then recite “FA-IN TAWALLAW FAQUL H’ASBIYALLAAHU LA ILAAHA ILLAA HUW A’LAYHI TAWAKKALTU WA HUWA RABBUL A’RSHIL A’Z’EEM” this dua 1000 times after any prayer.

How to Husband crazy about you?

To make your husband crazy for you, read Surah Jumah (chapter 62) on Friday after reading Durood Shareef thrice and invoke the Almighty Allah to fulfill your desire to make your husband love you.

Is there any Surah to make your Husband fall in Love with you?

Surah al Quraysh (chapter 106) is an effective surah for husband and wife, and with the regular recitation of this Surah, you can seek Allah’s blessing in your marriage and easily make your husband fall in love with you.

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Bashir Ali khan
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