Powerful Dua to marry someone you love (Love Marriage Dua)


Assalamu’alaikum to all our readers. Today, we will discuss an important aspect of our life: “Marriage.”

If you are facing difficulties in your marriage with a loved one, then this Article is for you. We are sharing the best Dua to marry someone you love here.

The bond of marriage is very sacred in the eyes of Allah and Islam, and finding the right life partner remains a very important decision for any expression.

This removes the hurdles and problems for your marriage, and soon, you will get married to your loved ones. 

Dua for marriage with a loved one will help you to marry someone you like with the will of your family without any problem. 

Don’t skip any part of this Article because you should know the proper procedure for performing any dua. 


(Sunan Ibn Majah 1847)

You can also involve this powerful Dua To Get Married To A Specific Person. You Want to make an effective appeal in front of Allah(SWT).

The Importance Of Dua to marry someone you love

Dua is very important in Islam, by which we can express our feelings to Allah Sweet and ask for his guidance and blessings.

By praying, we prove our dependence on Allah so that Allah is always present to help us.

Dua To Get Married To The Person You Want help in seeking Allah’s favour in uniting with your chosen partner.

Our Prophet Mohammed has always emphasized the importance of marriage in his teachings and guided us to approach marriage with faith, respect, and righteousness.

“Do not delay in three things: Salat (prayer) when its time comes, funeral when it is ready, and marriage when a suitable match is found.”

(Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1075)

This hadith of the Prophet(SAW) tells us that when we find the right partner, we should not delay in getting married.

Why should I perform dua for marriage with a loved one?

By turning to Dua, believers demonstrate their reliance on Allah’s guidance and seek His blessings for a harmonious and fulfilling marriage with the person they love.

Through this dua, we ask for Allah’s blessings so that the marriage will be trouble-free and everything will go well.

The difficulty of marrying someone you love isn’t always accepted easily, especially when parents want to choose their child’s partner.

This can create many problems, big fights, or even worse, like running away or even considering hurting themselves if they can’t marry the person they love.

Some parents don’t let their children choose their partners, thinking it won’t last long or will cause problems. They may not understand how strongly their children feel about their peers.

This doubt may force parents to deny the love marriage because they fear that the relationship will not work out in the end.

But despite all these challenges, there is hope in the form of  Dua for marriage with a loved one that people use to marry the person they love.

To convince your parents for a successful marriage with your loved one, recite this powerful Dua to convince parents for love marriage.

Dua to marry someone you love

If you want to marry someone you love, then recite, “Fasaqaa lahumaa summa tawallaaa ilaz zilli faqaala Rabbi innee limaaa anzalta ilaiya min khairin faqeer” this dua. You have to read this Dua after every salah at least 1000 times.

Method to perform Dua to marry someone you love:-

  • Start with a fresh Wuzu(Ablution).
  • Repeat  “Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum” 100 times.
  • Now, recite verse 28 of Surah Al-Qasas as much as you can.
  • Finally, praise Allah(SWT) and ask for help to marry someone you love.

Perform this dua with complete faith and heart. Recite this dua regularly for 10 days, and inshallah, Allah (SWT) will bless you with a successful marriage with your love.

If you have any questions or want immediate results, then you can consult our Expert, Molana Basheer Khan, to get a proper solution according to your problem.

If you think you are under the effects of the evil eye, then use this dua for protection from the evil eye and jealosuy.

Powerful dua for marriage with a loved one

  • Begin with fresh Ablution.
  • Repeat “Ya Wadoodo” 1000 times.
  • After that, read “Durood Shareef” thrice.
  • Then Recite “Wa khalaq naakum azwaaja” atleast 500 times.
  • Again, read  “Durood Shareef” thrice.
  • Finally, Pray to Allah(SWT) for marriage with a loved one.

You should follow this ritual regularly for 11 days after Isha salah to seek Allah’s guidance in getting married to your love. Allah(SWT) is the one who can solve any problem by giving the best solution.

If you want a surah for love marriage, include this Surah for love marriage in your duas for effective results.

Tips to make effective dua for marriage with a loved one

Here are some tips for making effective dua for marriage with a loved one:

  1. Right Intention: Ensure your intention is pure and sincere, seeking Allah’s blessings for a successful marriage with your loved one.
  2. Consistent Prayer: Make dua regularly and consistently to seek Allah’s guidance and assistance.
  3. Quiet and Private: Pray in a quiet and private place, building a deeper connection with Allah(SWT).
  4. Seek guidance: You can consult with our Molana Basheer Khan for the best solution to your problem.
  5. Do charity: Perform Sadqah to get quick acceptance of your prayers.
  6. Seek Forgiveness: Ask for forgiveness for any shortcomings or sins, purifying your heart by making Dua in front of Allah (SWT).
  7. Patience: Practice patience, understanding that Allah’s timing is perfect and that His plans may differ from your own.

By following these tips, you can make your dua for marriage with a loved one more effective by seeking Allah’s blessings for a happy and fulfilling union.


This Article provides the best Dua to marry someone you love with a complete method to perform.

This Dua has helped many people to get married to their loved ones, and we assure you that by reciting this dua sincerely, you can also achieve this.

This dua works by seeking Allah’s blessings. It also removes the hurdles and problems in your marriage with your love.

Ruhani Dua is a website created for the betterment of the Muslim community for solving problems related to all life aspects. All the information provided here is specially designed by our Molana ji.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any dua to get married to the person you want

The best dua to get married to the person you want is: “yaa noora kulli shay-in wa hudaahu antallad’ee falaqaz’ z’ulumaati binooruhoo.” You have to recite this dua after the Tahajjud dua for the best effects and to get quick approval from the Dua.

Suggest the best dua for marrying the person you love

If you want to marry the person you love, then recite “Surah Yaseen” verse 36 after every Salah at least 1000 times. You have to recite this Surah after doing 2 Rakat Salah with pure heart and faith in Allah (SWT).

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Bashir Ali khan
Bashir Ali khanhttps://ruhanidua.com
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