3 Powerful Dua For Husband Back [100% Working]


Dua For Husband And Wife To Get Back TogetherDua For Husband Back

If your marriage is facing challenges and you find yourself separated from your husband, do not lose hope. The Dua For Husband Back given here will help you in reuniting with your husband.

This dua has helped many women save their marriages by getting back their husbands, and we assure you that you can also get your husband back by performing this dua sincerely.

This Dua works by creating love in your husband’s heart by seeking Allah’s blessings in your marriage.

In the eyes of Allah (SWT), marriage is not merely a worldly contract but a sacred bond that holds immense significance.

It is a heavenly creation meant to bind two people in love, friendship, and support of one another.

The Quran emphasizes the importance of marriage, stating, “And among His signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts” (Quran 30:21).

The relationship between husband and wife is considered sacred, with both partners being equal in rights and responsibilities.   

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The best among you are those who are best to their wives.” 

(Riyad as-Salihin 278)

Allah(SWT) has guided you to the right place. Read the article carefully and get your husband back by performing the dua correctly.

Guidelines before starting this Dua For Husband Back

Sure, here are the guidelines you should follow before this dua to get effective results:

  1. Perform Wudu: Start by cleansing yourself with wudu before beginning the dua.
  2. Set Right Intentions: Approach the dua with genuine intentions to reconcile with your husband.
  3. Avoid During Menstruation: Refrain from performing the dua while menstruating.
  4. Visualize Your Husband: Picture your husband in your mind and imagine a positive outcome.
  5. State Needs Clearly: Clearly express your desire for reconciliation and harmony in your marriage in front of Allah(SWT).
  6. Pray for Protection: Ask Allah(SWT) to protect your marriage from harm and negative influences like the Evil eye.
  7. Seek Forgiveness: Humbly ask for forgiveness for any mistakes that may have contributed to the issues in your marriage.

#1 Dua for husband back

To get your husband back, recite, “Subhaanal lazee khalaqal azwaaja kullahaa mimmaa tumbitul ardu wa min anfusihim wa mimmaa laa ya’lamoon” this powerful Dua after fajr namaz. You have to recite this dua at least 100 times to seek Allah’s mercy.

Method To Perform Dua for Husband back

  • Start this Dua on Friday after Ablution.
  • Repeat “Ya Wadoodo” 11 times.
  • After that, recite verse 36 of Surah Yaseen 1000 times.
  • Then, Send Salawat upon the Prophet(SAW).
  • In the end, ask Allah(SWT) to get your husband back.

Perform this Dua for 11 days regularly, and inshallah Allah(SWT) will help you get back your husband. 

If you want any guidance related to the Dua or your husband, then consult our Molana Basheer Khan to get a proper solution according to your situation.

Unfortunately, if your relationship is on the verge of Divorce then to save your marriage, recite this powerful Dua to stop Divorce to seek Allah’s mercy to stop this separation.

Due to a busy schedule or workload, your husband is not giving you time and behaving rudely with you. Then, to fill the spark in your marriage, recite Dua to bring husband and wife closer.

#2 Dua To Reunite Husband And Wife

The Best Dua to reunite husband and wife is, “Qul in kuntum tuhibboonal laaha fattabi’ oonee yuhbibkumul laahu wa yaghfir lakum zunoobakum; wallaahu Ghafoorur Raheem” verse 31 of Surah Al-Imran. Recite this Dua, take the name of your spouse, and ask Allah(SWT) to reunite with them.

You have to perform This Dua regularly without a miss for 15 days, and Inshallah, after 15 days, Allah (SWT) will help to reunite you with your partner.

If you suspect that another woman is causing conflicts between you and your husband, or if you have doubts about his actions, then you should recite this powerful Dua for Husband to love his wife only, or you should perform a Dua for husband to leave other women to save your marriage.

#3 Dua For Husband And Wife To Get Back Together

If you want to get back together with your husband or wife, then recite Surah Jumah (chapter 62) after reading (AL MAANI-U) 1000 times. After that, recite, “UH’IBBUHUM WA YUH’IBBOONAHOOO AD’ILLATIN A’LAL MOOMINEENA A-I’ZZATIN A’LAL KAAFIREEN” this dua to seek Allah’s blessing for your reunion.

Dua For Husband And Wife To Get Back Together in Steps:

  1. Start with a fresh Ablution.
  2. Repeat (AL MAANI-U) 1000 times.
  3. Then read “Surah Jumah” (chapter 62) 
  5. In the end, pray to Allah(SWT) to reunite with your husband or wife.

Follow this ritual with complete faith in Allah(SWT) for 14 days, and inshallah Allah (SWT) will help you reunite with your partner soon. 

This Dua is among the best cures that Allah(SWT) has provided in the Holy Quran. You must completely dedicate yourself to following every step of this “dua for husband and wife to get back together” with good intentions.

Note: All the Dua mentioned are equally powerful. You can choose anyone according to you.

If you need immediate results or want to discuss your situation, then for proper guidance, consult our Molana Basheer Khan.

Wazifa for husband back

  • Start with “BISMILLAH” 786 times
  • Read “Durood e Ibrahim” 11 times.
  • Then recite,”Wallazeena yaqooloona Rabbanaa hab lanaa min azwaajinaa wa zurriyaatinaa qurrata a’yuninw waj ‘alnaa lilmuttaqeena Imaamaa” this dua.
  • After that, blow upon the picture of your husband.
  • Finally, pray to Allah(SWT) to get your husband back.

Follow this Wazifa for Husband back for 15 days with patience, and soon Allah(SWT) will listen and accept your prayers.


This article provides you with three powerful Dua for your husband back, which will help you reunite with your husband.

This Dua has helped to save many marriages by seeking Allah’s (SWT) blessings and mercy in strengthening your bond.

Many people worldwide performed this dua with a pure heart and received or were blessed with amazing results within a few days.

By reciting this Dua Sincerely, you will create love in your husband’s heart, causing him to miss you and return to you soon.

This Dua will help to fix your ruined relationship by filling it with a lot of love and understanding between you.

Ruhani Dua is a Platform created to help our Muslim brothers and sisters in any aspect of life. All the information provided here is halal and specially designed by our Molana Basheer Khan. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Powerful Dua to get husband back

If you want to get your husband back, then recite, “(FAQAALA) INNEEE AH’BABTU H’UBBAL KHAYRI A’N D’IKRI RABBEE H’ATTAA TAWAARAT BIL H’IJAAB” this Dua. You have to perform this dua after Isha Salah at least 1000 times for 21 days to get your husband back.

Is there any Dua to reunite with loved one?

The best Dua to reunite with loved one is Surah al Muzzammil (chapter 73). Recite this surah after any salah 41 times and send Salawat upon the Prophet(SAW). In the end, make dua Almighty Allah reunite with your loved one soon.

Suggest The Best Dua To Reunite with Husband

If you want to reunite with your husband, start by reciting “Ya Waajidu” 1000 times, and after any Salah, read  Surah-Ar-Rehman 7 times. You have to do this for 11 days regularly to seek Allah’s blessings to reunite with your husband.

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